Programa de Transporte de Hogares Jubileo
Our Mission
Connecting the Corridors is an economic and workforce development project that will promote business growth through collaboration, education, training, and development. Our initiative fosters joint efforts to maximize resources and increase contracting opportunities for small businesses.
It encourages targeted public and private investment, creating an environment in the project footprint where both current and new businesses can thrive and expand. Connecting the Corridors builds on New York State’s existing repertoire of small businesses, affordable housing options, and workforce development strategies. Revitalization of the South and West Side Corridors, two of Syracuse’s most vulnerable neighborhoods, will attract a talented workforce and a diverse mix of community residents and visitors, supporting and sustaining the local community for neighborhood business owners, long-time residents, and new residents. In collaboration with our local and national partners, we strive to make the Southwest Side a place where future generations will choose to live, work, and raise their families.

Programa de Transporte de Hogares Jubileo
Rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of existing buildings
Revitalization of brownfields and vacant properties
Land and building acquisition for larger development projects
New and rehabilitated single-family and multi-family homes
Improved health outcomes for community members
Selective demolition linked to larger housing rehabilitation
Mixed income housing projects
Market rate housing projects
New commercial construction

Project Impact
Our Partners

Programa de Transporte de Hogares Jubileo
Funding for these projects will allow Jubilee Homes to rehabilitate and adapt existing buildings, revitalize brownfields and vacant properties, acquire land and buildings in relation to larger development projects, and construct new properties for commercial and residential use. These projects will create jobs in the corridors, attract visitors to the area, support vibrant urban life, and inspire future generations to find an excellent quality of life, employment, and community in the Southwest Corridor.
Seafood Heaven Restaurant
In collaboration with Home Headquarters, Jubilee Homes will bring Seafood Heaven, a New Jersey family-owned restaurant, to 310 South Avenue. This will require the renovation of 310 South Avenue’s interior and exterior, allowing Seafood Heaven to occupy the ground floor with two residential units occupying the second floor.

Creekside Landing

In collaboration with Jubilee Homes, Housing Visions will transform 416 West Onondaga Street into Creekside Landing, an economic and business resource center.
This property is central to the West Side Corridor, located in a high traffic commercial area. Creekside Landing will offer three stories of space available for both commercial and residential use, including a 92-car parking lot.
Trinity Financial Mixed-use
Commercial & Residential Property
In partnership with Trinity Financial, Jubilee Homes will develop 680-82 South Avenue into a robust mixeduse property, offering both commercial and residential space to our community. This property will dedicate the ground level to retail, culture, and community activities while the upper floors will be dedicated to residential space, offering 60 residential apartments for mixed income occupants.

Programa de Transporte de Hogares Jubileo
Funding for projects within this program will allow us to rehabilitate single and multi-family homes, selectively demolish properties in relation to larger housing development goals, offer mixed income housing options, offer market rate housing options, and work in collaboration with the city of Syracuse toward our shared goal of enhancing the Southwest Corridor. These projects will enable community members to become responsible homeowners of single and multi-family properties.
431, 441 Martin Luther King Street West
Jubilee homes has begun building two, single-family homes at 431 and 441 Martin Luther King Street West. This project is fully funded and began in November of 2021. The Jubilee Homes’ housing program will assist incoming families, allowing them to become successful homeowners of these two, new properties.

23 New 2-family Homes
In collaboration with the Greater Syracuse Land Bank and Housing Visions, Jubilee Homes will develop 23 2-family homes over the next four years by constructing new properties, rehabilitating existing properties, and selectively demolishing existing sites to make way for new homes. The Greater Syracuse Land Bank has already identified and reserved 33 parcels of land for this effort.
75 New, Affordable Single-family Homes
Over the next 4 years, Jubilee Homes plans to build 75 new construction, single-family homes. This project will increase the inventory of affordable, quality rental homes in the city of Syracuse. In partnership with the Greater Syracuse Land Bank, Jubilee Homes will identify infill properties for new construction and rehabilitate existing owner-occupied units.

Programa de Transporte de Hogares Jubileo
When the Southwest Syracuse community asked for the installation of a grocery store, Jubilee Homes' staff was determined to make it a reality. It took nearly eight years to obtain the property, the funding and the perfect partner to operate a supermarket. Today, the Price Rite store is open for business at 611 South Avenue!